I am here!

Thanks for all your prayers - I arrived safely yesterday, around noon.
The flight wasn't too bad, although I had difficulty falling asleep. And by difficult, I mean that the most I slept was probably five minutes. But overall, not a bad flight.
Yesterday's activities consisted of a dinner at 4pm and a brief meeting. We don't begin real orientation until Monday - I think the purpose for that is to allow everyone to get over the jet lag.
My favorite comfort from home is a wonderful gift that my darling fiance made for me - a journal with a little verse, memory, picture or other form of encouragement for every day I will be in England!
The other American students I have met are great. This afternoon we had a BBQ here, and the students living over at Crick House (about 45 min. walk away) came, so I got to meet even more people. Settings like this always amuse me, because you end up telling so many people your abbreviated life story so many times! Nevertheless, it's been great meeting so many new, friendly faces.
A fun story: Tonight a group of us (10 girls & 1 guy!) went to a pub for dinner, only to discover that it was karaoke night! AND an elderly gentleman (introduced as "Smooth Joe") sang Elvis's "Only Fools Rush In," and he dedicated it "to all the girls at the corner table." Precious!
More pictures to come - I will probably put them in an online album for everyone to enjoy!
Love to all,

Thanks for all your prayers - I arrived safely yesterday, around noon.
The flight wasn't too bad, although I had difficulty falling asleep. And by difficult, I mean that the most I slept was probably five minutes. But overall, not a bad flight.
Yesterday's activities consisted of a dinner at 4pm and a brief meeting. We don't begin real orientation until Monday - I think the purpose for that is to allow everyone to get over the jet lag.
My favorite comfort from home is a wonderful gift that my darling fiance made for me - a journal with a little verse, memory, picture or other form of encouragement for every day I will be in England!
The other American students I have met are great. This afternoon we had a BBQ here, and the students living over at Crick House (about 45 min. walk away) came, so I got to meet even more people. Settings like this always amuse me, because you end up telling so many people your abbreviated life story so many times! Nevertheless, it's been great meeting so many new, friendly faces.
A fun story: Tonight a group of us (10 girls & 1 guy!) went to a pub for dinner, only to discover that it was karaoke night! AND an elderly gentleman (introduced as "Smooth Joe") sang Elvis's "Only Fools Rush In," and he dedicated it "to all the girls at the corner table." Precious!
More pictures to come - I will probably put them in an online album for everyone to enjoy!
Love to all,
So glad you made it safely. Love and miss you.
Glad you're safe! That is thoughtful and sweet of Doug to give you a journal for the semester. My mom did one for me like that when I was in Australia. I loved having something to read from her everyday. Nice job for Dougy :) Let me know your mailing address sweet girl! Love you.
U.Miss G. (HINT: think "caves")
Love, Victoria
HELLO! I'm SOO glad you're safe! I wanna send you stuff while you're there so do you know your mailing address yet?!! Let me know! Love you and miss you!
I'll enjoy keeping up with you in the blog. Heard you had generous seatmates on the plane... left you lots of room to be comfortable. We had an indoor picnic at grams today. She's doing good but seemed content to just sit and let us do the work.
aw im so glad your keeping a blog, that is so cute! i cant wait to hear more you saucey minxy. miss you!
hey rae!! so glad you are there safely. we will miss you much these next few months. hope you have a wonderful experience with the brits! love you lots girlie!
xo - manda
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