Unfortunately, it being a Saturday morning in Oxford, I don’t have time for reflections. I’ve got plans with a man and a courtesan. Ha! Before everyone freaks out, I’m only reading Defoe’s Roxana. But good way to grab everyone’s attention!
Anyway, I feel like since Italy, there hasn’t been too much to update about that will keep my audience captivated. I haven’t taken any pictures of the scenery lately, and there just hasn’t been much happening, aside from reading & writing essays.
We did, however, have a Harvest Party here at the Vines last Friday evening. Desserts, dancing, and disguises! Sounds almost like the Restoration comedies I’ve been reading lately, but I promise much less bawdy. Megan & I dressed up as the World Cup winning Italy soccer team! Mostly because we didn’t want to spend money on costumes, and we had both purchased cute little jerseys while in Italia.

Yeah, we’re pretty much the best looking players to grace the team.
Our house is currently being taken over by wasps. I’m not really sure what’s going on, but every morning there are at least half a dozen in the bathroom. This morning I walked in, and someone had killed all but one – and left the little dead carcasses lying everywhere! Gross.
Well, as warned, not the most riveting update, but I figured that since we only have around 40 days left, I’d better get the updates in while I still can.
Hope everyone is doing well back home, or wherever you may be!
Love to all,
"Though Italy IS proud of their beautiful men… but I digress..."
awkwardly phrased by one who is engaged... n'est pas?
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