Break out the Christmas music!
2 more tutorials.
3 more papers to write.
16 days until I am back home!
29 days until Christmas!
36 days until 2007!
So, Doug got here on the 16th & left yesterday. 9 whole days together in England! I am so glad he was able to experience a taste of my life here in England. And now he believes me when I tell him that we walk about 5 miles a day! ;) Here is a little sample from his time here:

Our Thanksgiving walk around Oxford...

Momentarily interrupted when Doug was almost eaten.

the future Partons :)

Watching The Christmas Story on Thanksgiving.
Yesterday was the SCIO Thanksgiving celebration. The festivities began around 1:00 with an American game of football in the back yard. Then around 3:30, we were treated to pre-dinner entertainment, courtesy of the Baigent Boys, as well as our tutor for student affairs, Simon, & his wife, Coral.

The youngest, Harry Baigent.

The middle child, Charlie Baigent.

The oldest (and dare I say, my favorite!), Bertie Baigent.

Simon & Coral Lancaster, Cello Extraordinaires!
The dinner itself was a wonderful excuse for everyone to get a little dressy AND indulge in our long-forsaken high heels!!

The Tripartite Cord!

Electric heels, ala Megan & Rachel.
After dinner & dessert, Megan & I quickly ran upstairs to escape the throng below - 90 people in one house can become quite suffocating. We decided that the best way to end the evening would be to watch that timeless Christmas classic - Home Alone. "Look whatcha did, ya little jerk!" As ashamed as I am to admit it, the moment of reunion between Kevin & his mom made me a little teary-eyed. I attribute that to the fact that I miss my own family, although I'm sure the stellar acting also contributed.
Well, that brings us to today, Sunday, the 26th day of the month of November in the year of our Lord 2006. Today's forecast: 52 degrees, partly cloudy, with a chance of writing papers.
My love to all,