Sunday, bloody Sunday...
Ah, taking a break from 18th-century literature to update everyone on the homefront on the where- and what-abouts of yours truly!
Just to clarify: there was some concern after my previous post as to my well-being, and I apologize for the unnecessary concern - I am just fine. The only injury was to my pride, which could probably take a knock or two anyway!
I know I talk about this far too often, but I cannot get over the beautiful weather! It has been an absolutely gorgeous autumn over here!
Let's see, some fun things to update about...
Well, we think the fireworks for Guy Fawkes Day have finally ended. They started about a week before Guy Fawkes Day (Remember, remember, the 5th of November...), but I think they're finally done. Here is my account of Guy Fawkes Day from my livejournal (posted Nov. 5):
For anyone who doesn't know (or hasn't seen V for Vendetta), this is the day when England celebrates the thwarted plot of G.F. to blow up Parliament. It's sort of their equivalent to our 4th of July... the exception being that we don't burn effigies of any historical figures. At least not to my knowledge. So, the locals have been getting antsy with the fireworks for about a week now. Every evening around 6 or 7, we'd start hearing the ole crackers - I suppose practicing for the big night. Yesterday, the tension was really building as I heard the first firework at 3:14pm. Anyway, last night we went to a carnival (which was kind of pathetic, definitely not all it was hyped up to be!) and watched fireworks (excellent - can't imagine the cost), and then stayed around to see G.F. burned in effigy, atop a 10-meter high pile of wooden skids. No one went nuts or anything, but still a little bizarre. The fireworks are at it again tonight, though much patience was exercised, as the first one didn't go off until 3:23pm.
So that was definitely a little taste of English culture...
Last night Susan, Megan & I went to Craft Night at the St. Ebbe's (the church we have been attending). It was such a great break from the usual routine! We had each paid £5 for a ticket, but it was well worth it! There were tables of various crafts, including (but not limited to) card-making, sewing little ornaments, decorating picture frames, etc etc! We enjoyed ourselves immensely, and we took pictures, but I can't post them, as I am holding someone's Christmas present! Ah, suspense...
Well, not much else to write about. I've just been reading and writing and walking a lot. To spice up this otherwise dull entry, I shall add some pictures!

Walking to the library...

On the way to City Centre

One of our favorite regulars. This guy LOVES his bagpipes!
Well, that's all for now!
Love to all,
Just to clarify: there was some concern after my previous post as to my well-being, and I apologize for the unnecessary concern - I am just fine. The only injury was to my pride, which could probably take a knock or two anyway!
I know I talk about this far too often, but I cannot get over the beautiful weather! It has been an absolutely gorgeous autumn over here!
Let's see, some fun things to update about...
Well, we think the fireworks for Guy Fawkes Day have finally ended. They started about a week before Guy Fawkes Day (Remember, remember, the 5th of November...), but I think they're finally done. Here is my account of Guy Fawkes Day from my livejournal (posted Nov. 5):
For anyone who doesn't know (or hasn't seen V for Vendetta), this is the day when England celebrates the thwarted plot of G.F. to blow up Parliament. It's sort of their equivalent to our 4th of July... the exception being that we don't burn effigies of any historical figures. At least not to my knowledge. So, the locals have been getting antsy with the fireworks for about a week now. Every evening around 6 or 7, we'd start hearing the ole crackers - I suppose practicing for the big night. Yesterday, the tension was really building as I heard the first firework at 3:14pm. Anyway, last night we went to a carnival (which was kind of pathetic, definitely not all it was hyped up to be!) and watched fireworks (excellent - can't imagine the cost), and then stayed around to see G.F. burned in effigy, atop a 10-meter high pile of wooden skids. No one went nuts or anything, but still a little bizarre. The fireworks are at it again tonight, though much patience was exercised, as the first one didn't go off until 3:23pm.
So that was definitely a little taste of English culture...
Last night Susan, Megan & I went to Craft Night at the St. Ebbe's (the church we have been attending). It was such a great break from the usual routine! We had each paid £5 for a ticket, but it was well worth it! There were tables of various crafts, including (but not limited to) card-making, sewing little ornaments, decorating picture frames, etc etc! We enjoyed ourselves immensely, and we took pictures, but I can't post them, as I am holding someone's Christmas present! Ah, suspense...
Well, not much else to write about. I've just been reading and writing and walking a lot. To spice up this otherwise dull entry, I shall add some pictures!

Walking to the library...

On the way to City Centre

One of our favorite regulars. This guy LOVES his bagpipes!
Well, that's all for now!
Love to all,
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