I realize this is a rather unexpected post, after my last, promising that I would remain buried under a stack of books - but alas! I have surfaced! Today is a day of joy & celebration, as I have finished my first paper at Oxford!! 10 glorious pages (A4, mind you! Bigger than your standard American sheet!), dedicated to Jane Austen & Mary Wollstonecraft. I realized - after I started researching - that I am not at all passionate about the feminist movement. I do enjoy some of the benefits that have been reaped by women as a result, but overall... not my scene, I guess. Anyway, I decided to celebrate by updating everyone on my existence. That and indulging in a much-needed ice cream sundae this evening. We'll see how long the celebration lasts after the paper is returned to me in all it's red-marked horror...
Well, since I last updated, a LOT has happened. Actually, not really. We've still been watching the Simon Schama "History of Britain" video series, and Simon has yet to let us down with his creative & humorous genius. Last weekend, Megan & I took on London again - and we were more than victorious. We navigated the streets as though we'd spent our whole lives there. We visited: Westminster Abbey, The Cabinet War Rooms, The National Gallery, Shakespeare's Globe, and the Imperial War Museum - all on foot. We didn't succumb to the Underground even once! Here are some photo momentos for your enjoyment... (as a sidenote, in case anyone hasn't figured it out yet, you can click on the pictures & they will be enlarged!)


In the Cabinet War Rooms, I found true love! My advances were sadly spurned.
(Just kidding, Doug! He's made of wax ... and creepy.)

Propaganda a la Allies

Some sepia-toned London loving
This past Thursday, the 21st, we went to Bath, where they have (surprise) Roman baths! It was pretty awesome AND it was Megan's 21st birthday! 21 on the 21st - a golden birthday!
Here are some pictures from Bath:

Bath Cathedral, and the entrance to the Roman Baths (enlarge to view)

A Roman bath - still bubbling!

No dipping of feet or goofy smiles! (Enlarge for full effect!)

Messages for peace.
Well, tomorrow I will be jumping right in to my second paper, so probably the next time I update it will be with an Italian accent & pictures of the Pope! We leave in 5 days! Now THAT's amoooooore.......
My love to all,